Like The Liquid Channel™, Liquid 4PRE™ utilises Focusrite’s groundbreaking, hybrid ‘Liquid Technology’, which transports classic front-end processing into the digital age, removing the need for endless patching and adding fluidity and reliability to the studio environment. Quite simply, Liquid 4PRE™ is capable of emulating the finest mic pres in history, providing a total of 4 independent and configurable input channels all inside a single 192kHz, 2U device.
This is achieved through a unique two-part process. In the digital domain, Liquid 4PRE™ employs Dynamic Convolutiontechniques, using lightning-fast SHARC chips to apply unique level-dependent impulse responses to every sample of audio. However, whilst this is more than sufficient to closely emulate a pre-amp’s sonic behavior, the way in which the physical front-end interacts with a given microphone also plays a large part in creating that pre-amp’s distinctive sound. As such, Liquid 4PRE™’s analogue front-end involves highly sophisticated and over-engineered design, incorporating a large number of circuit board components that can switch in and out as required. This means that each one of the inputs on Liquid 4PRE™ can match the input impedance and other signal path characteristics of the device being emulated. Every emulation employs both the complex analogue front-end switching and the digital application of recorded samples to emulate the sound of the original pre-amp.
With entirely digital front panel controls, settings can be saved in one of 99 program memories, meaning that entire session setups can all be recalled at the touch of a button. An Ethernet port on the rear panel links to a computer running the free Liquid4Control™ software application, enabling the archiving of both emulations and surplus program memories, as well as providing full editing and remote operation of the unit itself. The Liquid 4PRE™ comes complete with emulations of 40 classic mic pres but is infinitely expandable, since the Ethernet port also facilitates the upload of further emulations downloaded from the Focusrite website.
Finally, to account for variances in amounts of 2nd-, 3rd- and 5th- order harmonic distortion (usually perceived as warmth) from one pre-amp to the next, a dial is included to permit control over this value. This essential feature ensures satisfaction for even the most hardcore vintage enthusiast, bringing accurate control over the key sonic attributes.