We're supported in macOS Mojave

As you may already be aware, macOS Mojave is now available as a free software update for Mac users. Over the last few months we worked with Apple to support our customers when using the latest version of the desktop operating system.

As we’re sure you can imagine, this was a huge task requiring a lot of time to plan and execute, but it was a task that was very important to our Mac users, particularly those who want to stay at the cutting edge of Apple’s releases.

We’re pleased to report that the picture is very positive, allowing almost all of our customers to upgrade their macOS install on release day without worry.

macOS Mojave is available for our customers using the Scarlett, Clarett, Red and Saffire ranges or the Forte and iTrack Solo models, plus the Red, Midnight and Scarlett plug-in suites. Support for RedNet solutions and Avid's Pro Tools | First is not available in macOS Mojave.

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